
Okay. After much time awaited, I am back. I fought-off TEH EVILLE monkeys {from the Wizard of Oz..c'mon people!} with a lightsaber. Nun-chucks were broken.

Let me introduce you to possibly the greatest wedding ever (except mine--the benefit of being the last one married: I STEAL ALL YOUR IDEAS! *evil cackle*).

Britney Jean & William Jess Gulbrandsen were sealed for all time and eternity in the Mesa, AZ Temple on June 12, 2009. Pretty much, it was amazing. In a nutshell.

Bridesmaids+April+Baby Wiener Dog

Hello, my name is Sparta, the warrior princess.



Busy Bee Lauren said...

Oh my gosh! Everything is so cute!

Jillene said...

You beat me! You beat me!

I have been in hiding for a couple of days. Isn't it time the mother of the bride came out to talk about the most perfect day of the year so far?!!!

Love you Nat :]

Now i must finish that stinking blog!!

ps. i still have not takin care of that dirty job...ya know what i am talkin about wink wink!!

Bravo Bentley said...

looooove the photos oh nosh!!! and it looked absolutely gorgeous!!!! she is truly a strikingly beautiful bride best thing about this is that we are lucky enough to have the temples!!! i love that being sealed for time and all eternity is like the bestest thang!!!! suuuuper cute post

Britney {Jesses Girl} said...

give me all these pics NOW.

i LOVE them.

that one with my veil flying and jess and i just out of the temple.


okay seriously.

Britney {Jesses Girl} said...


just read my moms comment on this blog.

she DID finish the dirty job by now.
