Closer to Love

Vanilla Milkshake.

That guy is the bane of my existence right about now.
I've been craving it since approximately 4:23 pm this afternoon. And I can't get it out of my head.
That, or Alexa's secret recipe of I-don't-even-know-what. So freaking good.

I feel like all I talk about is food. Or school. Food and school. So good; but so bad.
Pretty much, I'm mentally obese. Good deal.
One of these days I will have something worthwhile for you all to read;
until then, it's more edible and educational substances.

I should really consider changing the name of my blog:
"Edibly educational"
{good thing "edibly" is not a word, yeah?}

Dear McDonalds,
I wish you were closer, so I could satisfy my craving.
Sadly, there aren't many of you in Scottsdale; it's like trying
to find a WalMart..chances are slim.
<3, Fat Girl O'r Hurrr

Dear In-And-Out,
Please replace yourself with a McDonald's.
I don't care that you're down the street; you're disgusting.
No, I don't care that your french fries are cross-hatched like my picnic basket.
No love, Natalie.

Dear Vanilla Milkshake,
One of these days, I will find you. And I will get you.
And it won't be pretty.

Dear Spring Break,
I really don't think you could come any faster.
If there's any chance you could start, oh, say, tomorrow, and alleviate
me the from the trouble of 3 midterms, that'd be so super splendid.
Think about it? Great.
Love, Natalie

Dear Pandora,

{I am speechless}

Love, Natalie

[Matt Nathanson]


Alexa Mae said...

dear nat,
recipe coming your way via text. i lovest thou. and love your little letters. you are delightful. over and out!
love, me

Vanessa said...

Dear Natalie,

I love letter posts.& food. & Vanilla Milkshakes, now want one. I hope your spring break comes soon & you pass your midterms with flying colors!

Happy Tuesday!

☂niki. said...

starbucks has a pretty good vanilla has some fancy name that i can't remember at the moment but you're sure to figure it out. and there's bound to be a starbucks near by...

Marci Darling said...

Dear Nat-Uh-Lee,

Thanks for making me crave a vanilla milkshake and McDonalds...think I'll go jump on the treadmill now.

But seriously ,this is funny.And I smell cookies now.

It's late. I need to go to sleep