
It is 2am. I have been up since 6am. Sat in a testing center for 8 hours. Then got my Shirley-Temple on afterward with the crew. Then kept a friend awake while he drove from point A to point B in Alaska. Then realized I was also keeping myself awake. Then remembered I have a paper, two labs, two exams, and two discussion boards due tomorrow.

I can't think straight. I can't talk straight.
I think you'd be safe to assume that I probably have drool running down the side of my mouth, bags under my eyes, and other evidences leading you to the conclusion that I was hit by a train. very well could be correct in that assumption.
LSAT scores will be sent out on November 1.
I was lucky. My worst section was first (just what I wanted, so I wasn't as fatigued by the time I got around to it), and my best section was also the random experimental (again, what I wanted so that I wouldn't get burnt out on the sections I suck at). Everyone gets a different experimental section {not graded..but you're not told which is the experimental. You can, however, infer} and during the break someone told me Logic Games {my strong point} are rare for experimental. Guess what? I got it anyway :) Prayers are heard, and they are answered.

Quote of the day: "Welp, there's a grade-buffer!"
{We may or may not have sat in the back of the building picking out the kids who would most likely make our curve more favorable for us. But really..walking into a test carrying every "strictly prohibited" item and/or talking about how you "wonder what's on the the test"..c'mon.}
So glad that is over, I hope I don't have to do that again. I wish it upon no one.
Sorry this is so discombobulated. Really. I can barely remember how to spell my own name.
I just stared at that sentence for 5 minutes trying to figure out what I said.
I feel lethargic.
Sleep time.

Goodnight, moon.


Unknown said...

You're a champ. You deserve a cupcake. See? I don't even live in Arizona and I know what's up.

Unknown said...

good job cupcake. never again, that is an amzing feeling

The Denham Family said...

Amen to being done with that devil! Good job!

ConnieB said...

PHEW! So glad you are done that sounds like it was AWFUL!