Holla back, insomniac!

So this is what Sarah and I do at 2:10am on a Monday night.
We record 93 videos, and then she compiles them into one 6-minute masterpiece.
BAHA. Enjoy

"In essence, more people have developed a testimony on their feet baring it than on their knees praying for it" --Brigham Young


Anonymous said...

ahahaha. this is dazzling.

Kristin said...

LOL! You and Sarah have BEAUTIFUL voices :)

ConnieB said...

lol you slay me! I love ya both

Haylee Abney said...

"Hey I think that was DIRTY..." bahahaha best line ever. This video should win an award, or something.

Bella said...

Haha, you girls are hilarious!

RatalieNose said...

Oh my gosh this made my day!

Anonymous said...

haha love it!

Heidi said...

bahahahha! love it.