
My photography-attempt is coming along rather nicely!
People actually want me to DO stuff!!

That's my good news moment.
As if this is relief society.

So what.

Oh. Kay. This is my proposal.
Ladies, I say we have a fun Saturday, where we get together and cook fun holiday-suited goodies. Or meals. Especially meals that freeze well and can be cooked at a later time. Those are a) the best and b) something everyone should know how to make. Then we can makes lots and lots of yum-in-the-tum treats. So I can get plump for the Christmas season--you know, be like my main man, Santa.

If you're interested let me know. We will pick a date. And everyone can assort a variety of recipes. Then we can decide on them.



Emily Nicoll said...

I'm down!! Just give me a day and a time and I'll be there :)

Busy Bee Lauren said...

I want to! I was just talking about this with Sierra. Let's do it!

Anonymous said...

sounds great. :]]

Brenn said...

haha, even though I"m just a blog stalker (in a completely non-creeper way, of course) I totally think that this is a grand idea :)