
The Photoblog got updated times schfifty-schfive.
Since I've been staring at a blank blog-entry page for the last 10 minutes with absolutely no clue what to ramble on about, I've decided to leave that to you.

Ask me a question, anonymously if you feel ever so inclined, in the 'comments' section of this post.
I'll repost every single one, along with my answer.

This could very well win an award for the laziest blogpost ever.
I'm unique.
Like a third-grade science project.

{The big yellow one is the suuuun}


My Side of the Story : Jennie's Blog said...

What was your third grade science project?
Were there playing cards involved?
I know the science and strategy of scum!!

Unknown said...

Vanilla or Chocolate and a detailed explanation as to why!

nadia shea said...

what is a mormon birthday? and when can we actually hang out in person? Favorite blog to stalk and why?

sldkfj said...

How many blogs a day do you read?

Welcome! said...


I just stumbled upon your sweet sweet blog and couldn't help but click your follow button!! your blog is lovely and i look forward to following your adventures in the future!

xo, kate