Today's question to you: If you could pick one childhood past-time to resurrect, what would it be?
Apparently mine is teddy bears. And floor-sleeping (without waking up and feeling like a 93 year-old woman).
So. I like to take sporadic trips. This weekend is one of them. And in celebration (just kidding, it's actually in a desperate attempt to not have to withdraw from the Utah Migration savings fund) I'm doing photo sessions all week (Monday-Thursday) at $60 a session. 20 edited images, usually takes about 45 minutes. Boomshakalaka. Sweet, right? Right. Email me if you want to book. That's portraits, families, friends, whatever. Find a reason, and let's take pictures.
that's awesome! I wish I had a reason to take photos. Maybe I will promote it on my blog! Someone's gotta benefit from the bomb deal! also, PLEASE come over and makes cookies stat!
Oooh Alexis that would be lovely!! Ok ok I will text you!
You've probably said before, but what kind of camera do you use?
Canon 7d! This was shot on an iPhone though hehe. Hence why it's such crappy quality
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